Peter Obi In Jigawa, Promises To Unlock Nigeria’s Potentials

Peter Obi in Jigawa

The Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party, Mr. Peter Obi has promised to unlock the potentials of the country when voted in the next month’s election.

At his continuation of the presidential campaign rally in Jigawa state emphasized that unlocking the potentials in the North through agriculture and quality education would bring rapid Socio-economic development to the region.

Mr Obi explained that he and his Vice Yusuf Datti Baba- Ahmad if elected will develop Jigawa state turning its various arable land for production of goods for export.

The former Anambra State Governor also reiterated his position on securing the country and turning it away from consumption to production and engaging the youths who are in their productive ages.

Mr Obi assured the youths of quality education and that they should be ready and willing to take back their country and take their destiny in their own hands.

He urged that campaign that this election should be driven by the people’s desire to enthrone the most competent person with capacity and antecedent. Persons they can trust with verifiable records.

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