APC Appoints AFED VP Director Voters Education

Omoye Ikero

The All Progressive Congress (APC) has appointed Mrs. Omoye Ikero as its “National Director Voters Education” for the success of next year’s Presidential Election.

Omoye an educationist from Edo State, South South Zone has been the Vice President, Association for Formidable Educational Development (AFED) which is an umbrella body of low-cost private schools in Nigeria.

She is also a one time Chairmanship Aspirant in Igando-Ikotun Alimosho Council, Lagos State.

Commenting on her appointment, Omoye said she would work hard to encourage Nigerians to get ready their Permanent Voters Cards, PVCs, and Come out to cast their votes on the days of election, thereby addressing the problem of Voter apathy among Nigerian electorate.

She condemned the fact that some Nigerians would stay at home watching television on election days, only to start complaining at the end of the election.

Omoye urged that voting should not be seen as the business of politicians alone, rather as the power in the hands of the people as well as their right to determine who represent them in government for their wellbeing and the good of the country.

According to her, “My plan is to encourage all school owners and teachers to get their PVCs ahead of 2023 election, not only in 2023 election, even in all other elections. Its not a must that you must be a politician before casting your vote.

“Your vote is your right. Every educationists ,every teacher in private sector, both men and women, proprietors and proprietresses, I will want to encourage them. I will ensure that our people come out and cast their votes for the candidates of their choice, because our votes will determine the next president of Nigeria.

“Its not staying at home, watching television on the day of election and at the end of the election, you start complaining. This time, in this forthcoming election, with our PVCs in our hands, we have to cast the votes to the right choice. And that will only be determined by the PVC in our hands”, she said.

Mrs. Omoye went to urge Nigerians to desist from condemning political parties or their candidates. Instead she said all should come together and play their parts in order to produce a president that is generally accepted by the people.

As it concerns APC, Ikero opined that it is wrong for anyone to wish that the party should not produce the next president, aguing that the best that the masses should do is to give government their maximum cooperation towards moving the country forward and that include electing a capable and competent person to take over from president muhammadu Buhari.

She said Nigerians prayed passionately for change and now that the change has come they should appreciate the great efforts of the government at transforming the country for good.

In her words, ” We don’t have to condemn, because if we keep condemning, how long are we going to condemn and get the best candidate?

“Rather we have to work together to get the best. Now people are saying why must APC continue to be in government.
The same question was asked during the time of PDP, and they said that we needed change. We now have change and we are still complaining. We don’t need to condemn any party. We don’t need to condemn APC. All we need to do is to work together, pray together for the next president of Nigeria. God will provide us the right person”, she added.

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