US Trained Doctor Fronts For Tinubu

….Says he is the best for the country now

Tinubu : Online photo

Dr. Marindoti Charles Oludare, the National Coordinator/Convener of Social Rehabilitation Gruppe (SRG) has expressed readiness to work assiduously in ensuring that the Presidential aspirant of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu clinches victory in February 25, election.

Oludare believed that Tinubu is the most qualified of all the candidates to become Nigeria’s next president giving his enormous contributions to the building of the country, investment in the masses, raising competent national leaders and providing platforms for the youths.

He said this in a statement by the National Publicity Secretary, SRG, Kayode Fasua.

A Nigerian from Oka-Akoko in Ondo State, Dr. Oludare is a United States-based medical doctor and hip-hop artiste cum music promoter.

He is an environmental toxicologist; worked on molecular Carcinogenesis and is into drug research.

According to him, “The SRG, though apolitical in focus, particularly identifies with the presidential aspiration of All Progressives Congress candidate, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, not for political reasons but for the purpose of the fact that he has been consistent in demanding for true federalism to assuage feelings of marginalisation and allied discontent among Nigeria’s federating units.

“The community,  they say, is bigger than the individual. If the community  experiences peace, tranquility, and asymmetric progression in development, the individuals that make up the community are the inescapable beneficiaries of lifetime chummy moments; as against massive  poverty that will assuredly prevail in an atmosphere of socio-political dislocation.

“Nigeria is currently at cross-roads in its chequered socio-political and economic history. As in the pristine novel written by the great author, Chinua Achebe, things have fallen apart, as “the falcon can no longer hear the falconer”.

“The country reels under lingering insecurity problem typified in insurgencies, banditry, kidnapping and other criminal activities that are so pervasive the security agencies are becoming overwhelmed, and this is lamentable.

“But rising from the ashes of lamentation is to embrace the long-held belief of Asiwaju Tinubu, that Nigeria, being a federation, needs a State Police formation, to complement the Federal Police with the utmost goal of enhancing neighbourhood safety and reining in criminal elements.

“While Tinubu was Governor of Lagos State between 1999 and 2003, he  advocated the State Police System but his clamour was rebuffed by the then Peoples Democratic Party-led federal government under President Olusegun Obasanjo.

“Ingeniously however, Tinubu found a way around the problem by raising special security  task force to keep 24-hour surveillance on all Lagos communities. He involved the federal police mobile troop, the civil defence para-military troop and other relevant security agencies in this novel idea.

“Under Tinubu too, Lagos’ internally generated revenue received a boost particularly  for his Public-Private Partnership (PPP) approach to government  business. Under the PPP, he deployed public utilities to provide massive jobs and also earn the state good income for further development.

“It is on record, however, that his attempts at using the PPP to produce uninterrupted power supply for Lagosians and people in adjourning states were stymied by the Obasanjo administration, through overwhelming federal legislations that made the laudable programme impossible to operate.

“At this critical point in Nigeria, however, the reality has dawned on everyone that to put a check to roiling secessionist agitations, insurgency upsurge, rampant cases of kidnapping, oil pipeline vandalism, and banditry, the country should toe the honourable path of true federalism as witnessed in the US, from where Nigeria copied that mode of governance.

“That is exactly what Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu stands for, and that is why his presidential aspiration is receiving the blessing of Social Rehabilitation Gruppe,SRG; because, indubitably,  we stand for good governance, and the growth of humanity”.

Oludare, who will be 34 years old this year, is also the National Coordinator/Convener of Social Rehabilitation Gruppe (SRG), a social welfare organisation that is committed to good governance, protection of rights, and enunciation of policies aimed at growing humanity, especially  in the Nigerian society.

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