MAN Asks FG,Others To Sustain Policies In Manufacturing To Build Post Covid Economy

The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, MAN, has called for the continuation of the policies put in place to accelerate manufacturing towards rebuilding the nation’s economy at post covid-19 era.

The MAN President , Mr Mansur Ahmed who made the call described the manufacturing sector as being bullish now.

He was speaking at the 6th edition of the MAN Reporter of the Year Award and Presidential Media Luncheon 2022, in Lagos.

Mr Ahmed said that the manufacturers were optimistic that if many of the initiatives put in place come into effect and if the environment remains consistent, 2022 would see more improvements.

The MAN President pointed out that the manufacturing sector deserves more critical attention because of the enormous challenges the members face in the course of production.

Mr Ahmed said the Leadership of the Association paid a courtesy visit to President Muhammadu Buhari and also presented the critical areas of need for the manufacturing sector among which is the hardship being experienced by Manufacturers in obtaining forex to procure raw materials and spare parts that are not locally available.

He explained that this is in spite of the several Central Bank of Nigeria policies such as the Naira4dollar scheme, Ban of Sale of Forex to Burea De Change Operators and most recently the proposed “Race to US$200 billion in Forex Repatriation”.

“While we commend the good intention of the CBN for these policies, particularly to drive support for the real sector of the economy, there is need to establish mechanisms for robust monitoring and evaluation which ought to be part of the plan to ensure that the support to drive export really comes to fruition.

“The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, who represents the interest of manufacturers in Nigeria, has offered to be a part of this process. We shall continue to offer recommendations to the government that will increase manufacturing sector’s contribution to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product”.

Mr Ahmed condemned the N10/per liter excise duty on the non-alcoholic sweetened carbonated drinks which the Association has vehemently spoken against due to the negative impact on the economy with the end-users left to bear the cost.

He stressed that the sector would be negatively affected by the excise duty beyond the increase in production cost coupled with the impart of Covid-19 on their business environment.

According to the MAN President, hindrances experienced in the productive sector are largely caused by policy inconsistency and somersaults which leave no room for proper planning and projection.

He said this had led many manufacturers to close shops and discouraged prospective investors who are unsure what the next move of Government will be.

“Notwithstanding, the Association will continue to strengthen its efforts to proactively engage policy makers through evidenced based advocacy so that Government can see through the eyes of operators and contribute to the growth and development of the Nation’s economy by the right policy choices.
“This year, we shall endeavor to work more closely with you our partners, to explore innovative and more strategic advocacy mechanisms that will scale-up the performance of the manufacturing sector and its contribution to the economy.

In a remark, the Director General of MAN, Mr Segun Ajayi Kadiri, said the aim of the award is to appreciate their friends and partners in the industry including the business desks in the media space.

The high point of the event was the presentation of MAN 2020 Reporters Awards to five journalists from Radio, TV, Print, Online and photojournalist categories.

Also the Commerce and Industry Correspondent Association Nigeria, CICAN, also presented the MAN President and award of long partnership with CICAN.

Story By Ebere Obike–Winner MAN 2021 Reporter Of The Year Awar, Radio Category

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