Evil Child Kills Mum For Money Ritual

The times are evil and because of that nothing is considered impossible any longer. Even children now get involved in serious crimes. The summary of the rising cases of immorality, crimes and unspeakable acts especially among children is that the world is simply winding down. Satan is working tirelessly to have more recruits and deny children of God from having a share of the heavenly inheritance. Daily, more children are demonised and used by evil spirits to perpetrate all manner of crimes and terrible acts.

How can it be said that a fifteen year old boy could murder his own biological mother for money ritual. This sounds unbelievable and impossible, but that is the level that the world has deteriorated.

This comes a few days after a Juniour Secondary School boy in Nigeria allegedly kidnapped his cousin sister and demanded immediate payment of #70,000 ransom, otherwise he would waste her life.

Now back to the story of a 15 years old boy that allegedly killed his mum for money ritual.

Report by RSD News has it that the unfortunate incident occurred at Nkawkaw in the Eastern Region of Ghana. According to the publication, “The 15- year- old boy was said to be in Junior level of education at the Presbyterian Junior High School at Nkawkaw.

“When our media team heard of this tragic news, they rushed to the scene, where residents told them how they caught the boy killing his mum.

” They said they heard his mother screaming for help in their room. The moment they heard the noise, they rushed to the room and saw the boy stabbing her with a knife. When asked why he killed his own mother, he said, he wanted to use her for money rituals. He went on to say that he was influenced by his friends at school.

“As I am talking now, this 15- year- old boy has been captured by the cops and his mother has been sent to the morgue”, said an eye witness”, concluded the report.

Parents, watch over your children and devout time to train them well. Its not enough to have children; take responsibility to mould their characters, so that they will grow into decent adults that will give you peace of mind and also not become a problem to the society.

It is rewarding to use the word of God as basis in child rearing. The godly standards of righteousness, holiness and purity should be made part of your children’s life and that can be achieved if you start early enough to channel them to godly ways.

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