Procedures FOR Applying For US Visa Lottery To Avoid Disqualification

Although, the online application for the 2023 United States (US) Visa Lottery has been completed, it is pertinent for prospective applicants to get sound knowledge on how to properly fill the online forms to avoid disqualification.

Inappropriate completion of the visa lottery forms ,through failures to adhere to the stipulated guidelines, is the major reason most people’s applications are naulified.

The entry submission period for DV-2023 started on October 6, 2021 to November 9, 2021. However the process is still on; so this write up will also be useful to those that applied, as they will gain knowledge on how to scale through remaining hurdles.

Online US Visa Application Procedures

-The first point is to check the status of the entry through the approved website.

-On the website , you will see announcement on the “entry form” , period of application, eligibility and guildelines for application. Read the instructions carefully.

-After reading the instructions, click the “Begin Entry” button below to enter the DV Program.

-Read carefully the DV-2023 Entry Instructions.

This is necessary because , entrants may be disqualified for not completing the entry form correctly or by submitting more than one entry.Before beginning the entry process, verify that your picture and pictures for any dependents fully comply with DV entry photo requirements included in the DV-2023 instructions. Your case will be disqualified if you submit a non-compliant photo.

-Before beginning the entry process, verify that your picture and pictures for any dependents fully comply with DV entry photo requirements included in the DV-2023 instructions. Your case will be disqualified if you submit a non-compliant photo.

-The entry form is prepared in two parts, one for the primary Entrant and one for derivatives (if any). Each part must be completed correctly and completely before going to the next part. After all parts are completed, the entry will be submitted to the DV-2023 Processing Center.

-DV-2023 Entrants should keep their confirmation number until at least September 30, 2023.

I hope the information was helpful to you. Good luck

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